You can schedule a number of different actions in your customized automatic reminder schedule, including:
- Send Invoice Email Reminder - This action sends an email reminding the customer about an invoice. It can be sent before the invoice is due or when the invoice is past due. You can define the number of days before or after an invoice is due for this action to be performed.
- Send Invoice Ready Email - This action sends an email letting the customer know that an invoice is ready for payment.
- Send Paid Thank You Email - This action sends an email letting the customer know that you received payment.
- Send Live Phone Call - As a premium service through InvoiceSherpa, you can have one of our agents call your customer (billed at $1.99 per minute). This action identifies when agents should make the call and the script to use for collection. You can define the number of days before or after an invoice is due for this action to be performed. We recommend scheduling this action later in the process, such as at least 30 days after the invoice is due.
- Send SMS Invoice Reminder - This action sends a text message to remind the customer of an invoice. You can define the number of days before or after an invoice is due for this action to be performed.
- Send Internal Staff Reminder - This action sends a reminder to an internal email address to help internal staff get in touch with customers manually. You can define the number of days before or after an invoice is due for this action to be performed. You also define the email address where this reminder should be sent.
- Send Statements - This action sends a statement summarizing a customer's current, past due, and open invoices. You can define the number of days before or after an invoice is due for this action to be performed.
- Send Credit Memo Created - This action sends a reminder when you have created a credit memo for a customer to apply against invoices.